
Dealers adapting to new market conditions of 2023

The post pandemic buyer has shifted in terms of user experience expectations, informative shopping experiences and becoming more pre-educated buyers.

The pandemic years inventory demands did not slow like much of the rest of the state of the world. Those that were slow to react to the sudden post pandemic market fluctuations may find themselves on the back foot in an omni channel digital buyers market.

Boat Dealer Digital Marketing

Know The Current Market

Currently in 2023 millennials make up about 30% of the buyers market. This being said, your marketing mix should account for this and lend itself to how this portion of the market explores and shops. Checks and balances should be put into place for outdated or limited transparency marketing channels. Data driven decisions can help test, optimize, measure the performance of of your valuable marketing dollars to go towards your most valuable segments.

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How Do We Go About It?

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Through industry expertise, market research, data insights and routine management, Native works to place you in front of leads & potential buyers at all stages of the process. The right message at the right time. Get started with Native Dealer Marketing today.

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